dzug was honored 2014 shanghai enterprise top 100-爱游戏官网登录入口

 dzug was honored 2014 shanghai enterprise top 100-爱游戏官网登录入口
dzug was honored 2014 shanghai enterprise top 100

the 2014 shanghai top-100 enterprises issuance and enterprise cultural achievements awarding ceremony sponsored by shanghai enterprise union, shanghai enterprise association and shanghai federation of economic organizations was solemnly held at the conference hall of shanghai cadre institute of economics management on september 10. more than 300 people represented by sfeo chairman yiren jiang, shanghai enterprise union chairman maoyuan hu and representatives of shanghai top-100 enterprises attended the meeting.

the meeting unveiled the list of 2014 shanghai top 100 enterprises, 2014 shanghai manufacturing industry enterprise top 50,2014 shanghai service industry enterprise top 50 and 2014 shanghai private enterprise top 100, 2014 shanghai private manufacturing enterprise top 50,2014 shanghai private service enterprise top 50, and commended the third-time enterprise cultural achievements. dazhong's two listed companies were all shortlisted in the shanghai top 100 enterprises. dzug won the 89th place of shanghai enterprise top 100, 33rd place of shanghai private enterprise top 100,rising 4 and 1 places respectively compared with the last year, as well as won the 49th place of shanghai service enterprise and 20 place of shanghai private service enterprise respectively in the subdivision appraisal of service sector enterprises.
