yang guoping was awarded the active performance of the 15th municipal people’s congress dazhong building representative liaison station was awarded the municipal demonstration platform-爱游戏官网登录入口

 yang guoping was awarded the active performance of the 15th municipal people’s congress dazhong building representative liaison station was awarded the municipal demonstration platform-爱游戏官网登录入口
yang guoping was awarded the active performance of the 15th municipal people’s congress dazhong building representative liaison station was awarded the municipal demonstration platform

on november 9, the standing committee of the municipal people's congress held a summary exchange meeting on the work of the 15th municipal people's congress. jiang zhuoqing, chairman of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. the meeting reported the list of 100 deputies to the 15th municipal people's congress who actively performed their duties and 211 municipal demonstration platforms of "home sites" for the 2022 npc deputies, and issued certificates to active represantative, and awarded part of the "home site" municipal demonstration platform title.

yang guoping, deputy to the shanghai people's congress and chairman of the dzug, was awarded the active performance of the 15th municipal people's congress because of his remarkable performance during his term of office: the liaison station of the dazhong building in tianlin street was awarded as the municipal demonstration platform of "home station" of npc deputies. 

at the meeting, yang guoping and other three municipal representatives made exchanges and speeches. the topic of his speech is " to give full play to the role of the representative working group and constantly improve the quality of the representative's performance ”, he said that the innovative system of the working group of the deputies to the municipal people's congress has played a positive role in improving the quality of the representative's performance. on the one hand, the establishment of a working group for deputies can ensure the normalization and real-time performance of their duties, on the other hand, it also strengthens the contact between deputies and communities or enterprises, and further links up the information fast channel between grass-roots industries, legislation and administrative departments, giving more accurate and rapid feedback of public opinion.

through the formation of many bills and suggestions in the process of performing their duties, yang guoping shared his experience in performing his duties from three aspects: "basing himself on the industry, responding to the urgent demands of the front line", "basing himself on the grass-roots level, actively practicing the people's democracy in the whole process", "based on the community, concerned about the people's" urgent and anxious expectations ".

“as a deputy to the municipal people's congress for two consecutive terms, i deeply feel the heavy mission and responsibility of the deputy to the people's congress. guided by the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china, i will better perform my duties as a representative, better play the role of the representative working group, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the development of people's democracy in the whole process and a modern socialist international metropolis.”

the "home site" of npc deputies at all levels in this city is an important way for npc deputies at all levels to closely contact the people and perform their duties according to law, which is to be well grounded, to observe the people's situation, to gather people's wisdom and to benefit people's livelihood, and to play the role of "window of public opinion" and "bridge of hearts".

in the past few years, the extension point of the people's congress house in dazhong building has built a good platform for the study, exchange and research of the deputies to the people's congress at the two levels in the urban area, formed a long-term link between the deputies and the community masses and enterprise employees, undertook many symposiums and seminars, and effectively expanded the breadth and depth of the deputies' performance.
